

When it comes to babies and little girls, I am nothing short of obsessed. The second my eyes fall on bows & curls and miniature pink shoes, my heart just stops beating for a second, swells up, and sighs, "I WANT her!" This is not to say that I don't delight over little baby boys as well. There's just something about little girls that captivates my heart like nothing else. This has been going on since I was about 10 years old and had a collection of dolls, all named and perfectly groomed, piled up in the double decker stroller as I pushed them around the grocery store (er, my kitchen). I can't say that the estrogen flow has calmed down in recent years. Being the dreamer that I am, I am relentlessly throwing out little girls' names to anyone who will pretend to listen ;-) I've had this ongoing list of names for most of my life...again, it's embarrassing. In case you're wondering, I've decided on Brooklyn, Alba, and Lyla. Feel free to leave honest feedback, but only if you love the names as much as I do. ;-)

The other day, I was made aware of my ultra femininity when I expressed my feelings for my unborn children, and received laughter as my response. I just feel like I already know my future babies, and I already love them and find them so precious! Laughter ensued. I have to admit, I was expecting my friend to say "Oh I know, they are so precious!" And then I remembered that he's not a woman. Dudes are not wired this way. And that is the unique heart of a woman. God has created men and women to offer separate, distinct gifts that all reflect His glory. Women, the more I see and understand us, the more I believe that God has set within us a nurturing and gentle (but strong) heart.

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart." Jeremiah 1:5. God tells us that He delights in us before we are even born! Like a mother knows her baby's face, He knows our feminine hearts, He sees our beauty, and His heart swells as He exclaims, "I WANT her!" What would the world be like today if every little girl, every teenager, and every 80 year woman knew, with all their heart, that they were cherished. That Someone's heart stopped beating for a second when seeing this little princess twirl.

You may not be a princess and fairytales kind of girl... but you can bet your bottom dollar that your little heart longs to be delighted in and protected, whether it's covered in pearls and curls, or shinguards and sweatpants. And argue if you want, but there is nothing more pure and innocently lovely than watching a little girl twirl in skirts and tutus. At a college Bible study I attend, there is a man from a local church who speaks to us every week. It never fails to amaze me how clearly he adores his wife and his three daughters. After showing us a video of a precious singing little girl, he posed the question, "Would you do anything to fight to protect this little treasure?" The answer is obvious to anyone with a heart. He then challenged all the men in the room as pointed at each of the 20 year old women, and whispered "She is that little girl... and so is she, and so is she. Are you going to fight to protect the little girl inside that woman? Or are you going to exploit her?" Wow. I don't think that statement needs any commentary.

Sister, you are marveled at. You see, when you give your heart to Christ, a new heart is set in you...one that radiates His purity and beauty, even after the world has stolen your child-like innocence. He is watching you spin, and He is falling in love. Let's not be ashamed of our feminine hearts, ladies; let's embrace them as the reflections of God that they are, uniquely tender and breath-taking. Tutu or baseball jersey--you are a princess in the most royal of kingdoms, and "the King is enthralled by your beauty." (Psalm 45:11). Twirl on, baby girl.

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